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Principles. Crops. Pests. Control methods Library. Links.
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picture discription
Source: Texas A&M University


Scientific name: Daucus carota
Family: Umbelliferae

Growth stages 



For weeds and diseases please see further down on this page. For rodents, snails and slugs please click here 


Sown seeds  Ants

Seedling Stage

Roots  Carrot root fly
Leaves   Aphids
Flea beetles
Lygus bugs

Vegetative Stage

Leaves  Aphids
Flea beetles
Lygus bugs
Spider mites

Reproductive Stage

Tubers   Carrot root fly

Maturation stage

Tubers   Carrot root fly






Crop rotation or growing different crops in one cropping season deters the most important carrot pest, the carrot root fly (CRF). This practice increases the numbers of its natural enemies due to the increase in suitable habitats (Muehleisen, et al., 2003). Crop rotation, in particular prevents CRF population build-up.

Onion and garlic are commonly used as companion crops and barrier crops to confuse the carrot fly by masking the scent of carrots with onion/garlic smells. Inter-planting onions and carrots - four rows of onions to one of carrots is sometimes recommended (HDRA, 2003).

Intercropping Medic (Medicago litoralis) with carrots deters CRF. Medic interferes with the host-plant finding and the oviposition behavior of CRF (Miles, C.; et al., 1996).

Apply properly decomposed organic matter to prevent forked root development. Excess nitrogen (N) may cause splitting or forked roots and may promote foliage growth at the expense of root growth. Apply fertilizer at least 7 days before sowing, as the crop is susceptible to salt injury. Carrots respond well to NPK, boron, lime, and magnesium. Apply nitrogen and potassium before root enlargement, about 30 days after germination (IFA, 2003). However, fertilizer recommendations based on soil analyses provide the very best chance of getting the right amount of fertilizer without over or under fertilizing. Ask for assistance from a local agriculturist office for soil sampling and soil analysis procedures.

Bat guano taken from caves can be directly applied to the soil or made into tea as foliar spray. Till in 2 kg/100 sq feet or 3 tsp per gallon of water. This stimulates soil microorganisms to develop. If you have access to fresh seaweeds, use them but rinse to remove the salt, then apply them as mulch. Apply œ-1kg /100 sq feet area. Seaweeds are long-term soil conditioners and growth regulators. These contain acids and enzymes that promote stronger growth and increase yield (Ellis; Bradley, 1996: p. 412).

Further information

Carrot will continue to be an important vegetable worldwide, but adaptation to hot climates will remain limited. Resistance to important diseases and pests is becoming an increasingly important aspect of carrot breeding.

External links


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