External links
- Cranshaw, W.; Knutson, K. (1996): Potato or tomato psyllids. Home and Garden. No 5. Colorado State University.
- Ferguson, G.; Fraser, H. (2001): Potato psyllid - A new pest in greenhouse tomatoes and peppers. Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Ontario. Ontario Canada.
- Gullan, P.; Martin, J. (undat): Sternorrhyncha (jumping plant-lice, whiteflies, aphids, and scale insects). Department of Entomology, Uiniversity of California- Davis.
- Olkowski, W.; Daar, S.; Olkowski, H. (1991): Common sense - pest control. The Taunton Press. USA.
- Olkowski, W.; Daar, S.; Olkowski, H. (1995): The gardener?s guide to common-sense pest control. The Taunton Press. USA.