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Principles. Crops. Pests. Control methods Library. Links.
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Curative control

Pest controlling plants

  1. Eupatorium
  2. Neem
  3. Purging cotton

Other solutions

  1. Yeast and water solution Dissolve 1 tbsp of yeast in 100 ml of water. Fill any shallow container with the solution. Bury up to the rim near the plant. The slugs drink, get drunk and drown in the pan. Monitor the pans and the trapped slugs. Change the solution when necessary, especially after rain.
  2. Dissolve 1 tbsp of sugar in 2 liters of lukewarm water. Then add 1 tsp of yeast. Prepare this an hour or two before nightfall. Pour into containers (used plastic grasses, cans of sardines) and bury them up to the rim in between plant rows, before sunset. Make some innovation to cover your traps. Check the containers every morning to dispose of the trapped slugs, and change the solution when necessary, especially after rain (Willie, 2004).

Physical control

  1. Remove all vegetable debris and other possible sources of food. Remove all their possible places of refuge such as bricks, boards, and piles of debris that are directly in contact with the soil.
  2. Remove the fallen leaves and thin or prune the plants to let the sunlight penetrate through to them easily.
  3. Screen the seedbed or seedling plot using a fine mesh screen of about 7.5 cm high that surrounds the plot and securely fix about 2.5 cm of it into the ground (Olkowski, et. al., 1991; 1995: pp. 592-96; 244-48).
  4. n
  5. Trap the slugs using 30 cm x 30 cm white painted-surface wooden boards. Place them securely along the plant's rows. At daytime, slugs take shelter underneath the cooler places. Be sure to check the wooden traps before sunset and collect the slugs. Crush or place them in a bucket of soapy water (Olkowski, et. al., 1991; 1995: pp. 592-96; 244-48). Potato or cabbage (Doubrava; Griffin, 2004), cereal bran or chicken food (Port; Ester, 2002: p. 341) can be placed under the board as an attractant.
  6. Over-turned earthen flower pots, placed under the shady part of the plant, is another way of trapping them. Make sure to make an opening to let them crawl underneath and to collect them before sunset. Crushing them in the pots also make the pots more attractive to other slugs (Olkowski, et. al., 1991; 1995: pp. 592-96; 244-48).

Other methods

  1. Plant ash, saw dusts, sand, D.E. or eggshells (PMRA, 2004)

    Sprinkle enough ash, sand, or crushed eggshells at the base of the plants. The slugs are sensitive to harsh objects which prevent them from crawling into the plants. Remember to keep these substances dry to be effective. But make sure that your control method is not a waste of time because slugs are problematic only when the soil is moist.

  2. Grapefruit and melon peel as bait (Olkowski, et. al., 1991; 1995: pp. 592-96; 244-48)

    After eating grapefruit and/or melon, invert the peel as food and as a cool shelter for the pests. Be sure to collect peels and kill the trapped pests.
 to the top        PAN Germany, OISAT; Email oisat@pan-germany.org