General Information
Eggplant shoot and fruit borer
Scientific name: Leucinodes orbonalis
Prefers eggplant but will also feed on tomato and potato
Asia and Africa
Wilted shoots are the initial feeding damage. The damaged stem and fruit have small holes where the larva enters and tunnels to continue its feeding activities. The tunnel contains frass and other waste materials and around this area is where it continues to feed.
The eggs are flattened, ovate, creamy-white, and are 0.5 mm in diameter. They are laid singly on the plant's foliage either at the lower surface of the young leaves, on stems, flower buds, or at the base of the fruit. The
eggs hatch in about 3-6 days.
The larva is light-brown to brownish-pink in color. Immediately after hatching, it looks for food on any tender parts of the plant's foliage. As it matures, it bores into the fruit to continue its feeding activities. A full grown larva is about 1.8 -2.3 cm long. It undergoes 4-6 instars. The larval period lasts from 12-22 days, depending upon the climatic conditions.
The pupa is enclosed in a thick silken cocoon found under the soil surface (at a depth of 1-3 cm) or among the plant's debris near the base of the plant. It blends nicely with its environment and is thus difficult to find. The pupal stage lasts from 6-17 days, depending upon the temperature.
The adult is white and has brown or black spots at the back of the thorax and abdomen. Its wings are white with a pinkish or bluish tinge and the forewings have several black, pale, and light-brown spots. It measures 2.0-2.2 cm when its wings are widely spread. Its
lifespan is from 1.5-3.9 days.