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Scientific name: Aspergillus flavus, A. parasiticus
Causal organism: Fungus
Common names: Aspergillus boll rot of cotton, Aspergillus corn ear rot, Yellow mold of peanut, Storage rot

Host plants

Corn, cotton, peanut, and tree nuts are the preferred hosts but will also infect cowpea, mungbean, onion, pigeon pea, rice, sorghum, soybean, string beans, wheat, and other crops

Affected plant parts

The whole plant and the stored seeds

Affected plant stages

All growth stages


Infected plant is stunted. The leaves have abnormal colors and the lesions have fungal growth.

Infected seeds have gray-green or greenish-yellow molds, are discolored, and rotten. When they are used for sowing, they have a very poor germination rate.

Aflatoxin is a naturally occurring toxic chemical by-product from the fungal growth of the Aspergillus flavus on infected crops. It is toxic to animals, poultry, and humans. It can cause hepatocellular carcinoma, one of the most common cancers on humans in developing tropical countries.

Conditions that favor development

  1. Monocropping. When peanut, corn, or cotton is continuously planted in the same area for several years, there is a high risk of aflatoxin development in the field
  2. Plants that are water-stressed
  3. Infected seeds used for planting
  4. High moisture content on the stored crop
  5. Poor aeration in the storage area

Prevention and control

  1. Proper cultivars and seed selection
  2. Timely planting
  3. r
  4. Proper soil management
  5. Following the recommended planting distance
  6. Control of field insect pests like that allow infection
  7. Timely harvesting. For corn, harvest the cobs when they are fully mature, when all the leaves of the plant turn yellow. For peanut, separate the broken kernels
  8. Proper drying and storage. Grains must have 11-14% moisture content to prevent aflatoxin development for storage longer than 1 year. For peanut, moisture content should be below 8%.
  9. Storage area must be well aerated
  10. Control the storage pests
  11. Basil extract

External links


 to the top        PAN Germany, OISAT; Email oisat@pan-germany.org