Soil baits
Corn/wheat seed mixture bait (Rice, 1999).
- Soak mixture in water for 24 hours to facilitate germination.
- Make a hole of 12 cm wide by 30 cm deep.
- Place 1/2 cup (of a 1:1 corn/wheat seed mixture) in a hole.
- Cover with soil.
- Cover the topsoil with plastic to warm the surface and to speed-up germination.
- Cover the edges with soil to prevent wind from blowing away the plastic.
- Remove the plastic, the soil cover, and the bait after one week.
- Destroy and kill the larvae trapped in the baits. Feed larvae to chicken or put them in a pail of soapy water to drown.
Source: Marlin Rice
Potatoes/carrots soil bait (Ellis; Bradley, 1996: p. 435)
- Cut potatoes or carrots into chunks.
- Remove the potato 'eyes' to prevent from growing.
- Make the pieces big enough and put in sticks.
- Bury "staked potatoes/carrots" at a depth of 3-6 cm in the ground. The stick serves as the handle to easily pull the baits out.
- Bury randomly in the field.
- Leave baits in the soil for 2-3 days. Wireworm will feed on the baits.
- Dispose properly the baits and the wireworm.
Pests controlled
- White grub
- Wireworm
External links
- Ellis, B.; Bradley, F. (1996): The organic gardener's handbook of natural insect and disease control. Rodale Press. Emmaus, Pennsylvania.
- Rice, M. (1999): Wireworm baits and preplant corn decisions. Department of Entomology. Iowa State University.