Bug juice spray
Bug juice sprays are used by gardeners to control pests. It was found out that pests of the same species will not feed on the plants if members of their colony are found dead on those plants. The smell serves as a repellent and as a warning for the other incoming pests.
Materials Needed
1/2 cup of beetles, or bugs, or caterpillars, or slugs
Mortal and pestle or grinder
Method of preparation
- Pound or grind beetles, or bugs, or caterpillars, or slugs in 2 cups of water
- Strain
- Dilute Œ cup of this concentrate in 1-2 cups of water
Bug spray from crushed beetles/
bugs/caterpillars/slugs only repels beetles/bugs/caterpillars/slugs of the same species. It was found out that the smell of the bug's juice attracts the natural enemies.
Weak caterpillars are found to be an effective medium, as they may pass on disease causing pathogens to healthy ones.
Use the spray to control the same pest species that is in the mixture. Spray the plants thoroughly. You can apply once or twice, but bug spray is reported to be effective for as long as 2 months.
There has not been much research done on bug juice. Avoid direct contact while preparing and applying the spray.
Wash thoroughly all the materials that are used during the bug spray preparation and after its application.
Standard procedures for the preparation and application of homemade extracts
- Use utensils for the extract preparation that are not use for
your food preparation and for drinking and cooking water containers. Clean properly all the utensils every time after using them.
- Do not have a direct contact with the crude extract while in the process of the preparation and during the application.
- Make sure that you place the extract out of reach of children and house pets while leaving it overnight.
- Harvest all the mature and ripe fruits before extract application.
- Always test the extract formulation on a few infected plants first before going into large scale spraying. When adding soap as an emulsifier, use a potash-based one.
- Wear protective clothing while applying the extract.
- Wash your hands after handling the extract.