Preventive Control
Natural enemies
Native parasitic wasps and flies
- Assassin bugs
- Lacewings
- Ladybird beetles
- Minute pirate bugs
- Robber flies
- Spiders
- Wasps
- Birds
- Lizards
Cultural and management practices
- Practice proper field sanitation. Free area of weeds and remove all plant debris after harvest to remove the possible breeding sites of adults.
- Prepare a healthy soil to grow healthy plants. Healthy plants can withstand leafhoppers' feeding damage.
- For corn leafhopper, do not plant corn after corn. Remove all volunteer corn plants that grow in new plantings.
- For mango leafhopper, use light traps during early stages of flower development to attract and kill adults which are ready to lay eggs. To install a light trap, hang the source of light (electric bulb or kerosene operated lamp) on the tree. Place a basin containing a mixture of soap and water (1:10) underneath the light. Hoppers which are attracted to the light are drowned in the solution. One light trap is required per hectare of mango plantation. Another method is to prune the
crowded branches to allow good light penetration and makes the habitat unfavorable for hopper development.
- Make a farm plan and record all farm activities to be able to properly rotate crops that are not susceptible to leafhoppers.