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Curative Control

Plants in pest control



Bug juice spray (Ellis; Bradley, 1996: pp. 468, 470)

Materials Needed
  • 1/2 cup of beetles
  • Mortal and pestle or grinder
  • Strainer

  • Method of preparation
  • Pound or grind beetles in 2 cups water
  • Strain
  • Dilute Œ cup of this concentrate in 1-2 cups water.

  • Use the spray to control the same pest species that is in the mixture. The odor of crushed beetles sprayed on the plants repels new beetles of the same species to come. The odor also attracts the natural enemies. Spray the plants thoroughly. You can apply once or twice but bug spray is reported to be effective for as long as 2 months.

    Precaution: There has not much research done on bug juice. Avoid direct contact while preparing the juice. Wash thoroughly the materials used after the bug spray preparation. Wash any sprayed fruit, plant and/or plant parts before using, eating, or selling.

    Physical control

    1. Bird perches
      Erect perches made of bamboo or of wooden poles, place in strategic locations to attract birds to rest. Cooked rice can be used as additional bird attractant. Birds are good Japanese beetles' predators (NCIPM, 2000).
    2. Raise chicken in backyards. Chickens are good white grub eaters.
    3. Handpick beetles.
    4. Place old or used papers under the plant. Shake plants to let beetles fall onto the papers. They drop dead-like into the ground. Collect beetles and put them into a bucket of soapy water to drown. The soapy water will prevent them from flying away.
    5. Make bait traps made of mashed fruit, sugar, yeast and water. Place these baits on the perimeter of the garden in plastic containers with an entrance hole cut at the top. Beetles love to feed on sweet smelling food. Choose sunny spots and remove the bodies out of traps every day (Golden Harvest Organics, 2003).
     to the top        PAN Germany, OISAT; Email oisat@pan-germany.org