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We have 102 titles under your selected category "Preventive pest management"!
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FAO. 2001 Developing farming systems and best practices for drought prone areas. http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/AC120E/AC120e15.htm
FADINAP. 2000 Integrated plant nutrition systems. Training Manual. FADINAP/ PRUDD/RDS. http://www.fadinap.org/ipns/srilanka/ipnsmanual/toc.htm
Endersby, N.; Ridland, P. 1999 Time to start monitoring for diamondback moth in Asian Brassica vegetables. Access to Asian Vegetables, Issue No. 23 (English Edition), Institute for Horticultural Development – Knoxfield.
Ellis, B.; Bradley, F. 1996 The organic gardener's handbook of natural insect and disease control. Rodale Press. Emmaus, Pennsylvania.
DOST. 2003 Mango production. Department of Science and Technology, Manila, Philippines.
Department of Agriculture. 2001 Locust natural enemies. Government of Western Australia. http://agspsrv34.agric.wa.gov.au/locust/aboutlocusts4.htm
Cullen, E. 2001 Still critical to monitor for increasing soybean aphid numbers. Department of Agronomy - University of Wisconsin- Extension Moore Hall, 1575 Linden Dr. - Madison, WI 53706.
CSIRO. 2001 Green guard goes global. http://www.ento.csiro.au/publicity/pressrel/2001/30oct01.html
Creaser, T. 2000 South Australia's fruit fly control and eradication program. Primary Industries and Resources, South Australia. http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/pages/agriculture/horticulture/fruitfly/ff2sit.htm
Cranshaw, W. 2002 Soaps used as insecticides. http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/4DMG/PHC/soaps.htm

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