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We have 102 titles under your selected category "Preventive pest management"!
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Brooklyn Botanic Garden. 1999 Natural insect control: The ecological gardener's guide to foiling pests. Handbook # 139. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Inc. Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
Stoll, G. 2000 Natural Crop Protection in the Tropics Margraf Verlag. Weikersheim.
Katembwe, M. 2003 Natural control of pests and diseases. PRTC. Kumba, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden. 2000 Natural disease control: A common- sense approach to plant first aid. Handbook # 164. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Inc. 1000 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
USDA. 1995 Monitoring whitefly populations. USDA Whitefly Database. http://whiteflies.ifas.ufl.edu/wfly0015.htm
DOST. 2003 Mango production. Department of Science and Technology, Manila, Philippines.
Scholaen, S. 1997 Manejo integral de plagas en hortalizas. GTZ Eschborn.
Department of Agriculture. 2001 Locust natural enemies. Government of Western Australia. http://agspsrv34.agric.wa.gov.au/locust/aboutlocusts4.htm
Villareal, S. 1999 Leafhopper control by insecticides in not the solution to the tungro problem. In: Chancellor, T.; Azzam, O.; Heong, K. editors. Rice tungro disease management. International Rice Research Institute. Manila, Philippines.
Bailey, S. 2000 Ladybugs. Extension Specialist, University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture.

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