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Muehleisen, D.; Bary, A.; Crogger, C.; Miles, C.; Johnson, A.; Ostrom, M.; Carkner, T. 2003 Managing carrot rust fly. Agrichemical and Environmental News. Issue No.23.
CIKS. 2003 Useful tips for organic cotton cultivation. Center for Indian Knowledge Systems. Chennai, India.
Golden Harvests Organics. 2003 Insect treatments. http://www.ghorgahnics.com/page14.html
Barona, L. 2003 Bacteria in weed as biofertilizer for cotton. BAR Today. Department of Agriculture. Manila, Philippines. Vol. 5 No.2.
IRRI. 2003 Kinds of rice insect pest based on modes of feeding. Rice Doctor. http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/
Juen, A; Schermer, M; Traugott, M. 2003 Evaluation of a new intercropping system in organic potato production. Innsbruck University. http://www2.uibk.ac.at/service/berglandwirtschaft/en/projects/intercropping_potatoes.html
ATTRA. 2003 Plants that attract beneficials. http://attra.ncat.org/attra- pub/farmscaping/fsappendixa.html
Van Mele, P.; Cuc, NTT. 2003 Ants as friends: Improving your tree crops with weaver ants. CABI Commodities and Cenicafé.
Knupper, G. 2003 Colorado potato beetle: Organic control options. ATTRA, Natural Center for appropriate Technology. Fayetteville, Arkansas. http://attra.ncat.org/attra- pub/coloradopotato.html
University of Hawaii. 2003 An information system of tropical crops in Hawaii. Department of Tropical Plant & Soil Sciences University of Hawaii, Manoa. http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/fb/cassava/cassava.htm#Handling%20of%20the%20Crop

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