We have 49 titles under your selected category "Natural enemies"!
Author: |
Year: |
Title: |
Content: |
Yepsen, R. Editor. |
1984 |
The encyclopedia of natural insect and disease control. |
Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA.
1979 |
The Philippines recommends for potato. |
Philippine Council for Agriculture Resources Research. Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines |
Wagner, Georg. |
2004 |
Vegetables' pests. |
Personal Communication. Schopperplatz 14, 4082 Aschach / Donau. |
1999 |
Eggplant production guide. |
PCARRD. Laguna, Philippines. |
Upfold. R.; Olechowski, H. |
1994 |
Soybean production. |
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Publication 173. Queens Printer for Ontario, Toronto, ON. |
Hasse, V. |
1987 |
Cotton. |
No 1- 2. Philippine- German Cotton Project, Department of Agriculture. Manila, Philippines |
Bodnar, J. |
1997 |
Garlic Production. |
Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Ontario. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAF/english/crops/facts/97- 007.htm
Traunfeld, J.; Malinoski, M. |
2000 |
IPM Series: Tomatoes. |
Maryland Cooperative Extension, University of Maryland. Home and Garden Mimeo # HG56. p. 9
Traunfeld, J.; Malinoski, M. |
2000 |
IPM Series: Tomatoes. |
Maryland Cooperative Extension, University of Maryland. Home and Garden Mimeo # HG56. |
Stoll, G. |
2000 |
Natural Crop Protection in the Tropics |
Margraf Verlag. Weikersheim. |