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We have 219 titles under your selected category "Insect pests"!
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Facknath, S. 2000 Integrated pest management of Plutella xylostella. University of Mauritius.
FADINAP. 2000 Integrated plant nutrition systems. Training Manual. FADINAP/ PRUDD/RDS. http://www.fadinap.org/ipns/srilanka/ipnsmanual/toc.htm
Ferguson, G.; Fraser, H. 2001 Potato psyllid - A new pest in greenhouse tomatoes and peppers. Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Ontario. Ontario Canada.
Fernandes, W.; de Carvalho, S.; Habib, M. 2001 Between- season attraction of cotton boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) adults by its aggregation pheromone. Sci. agric., Apr./June 2001, vol.58, no.2, p.229- 234.
Fitton, M.; Walker, A. 1992 Hymenopterous parasitoids associated with diamondback moth: The taxonomic dilemma. In: Diamondback Moth and other Crucifer Pests. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop, Tainan, Taiwan, 10- 14 December 1990.
Ghorganics. 2004 Dealing with whiteflies. http://www.ghorganics.com/whiteflies.html
Gilberg, L. editor. 1993 Garden pests and diseases. Sunset books. Sunset Publishing Corporation, California.
Gilrien, D. 2001 Tipping the scales. Grounds Maintenance. www.grounds.mag.com
Gold, C.; Messiaen, S. 2000 The banana weevil. Musa Pest Fact Sheet No. 4. INIBAP, France.
Golden Harvests Organics. 2003 Insect treatments. http://www.ghorgahnics.com/page14.html

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