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We have 219 titles under your selected category "Insect pests"!
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New Agriculturist On- line. 2003 Cassava pests: from crisis to control. http//www.new- agri.co.uk/98- 6/focuson/focuson9.html
HDRA. 2003 Flea beetle. HDRA, UK.
Kuepper, G. 2003 Flea beetle: Organic control options. Appropriate Technology transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA). PO Box 3657, Fayetteville, AR 72702
Youdeowei, A. 2002 Integrated pest management practices for the production of roots and tubers and plantains. Integrated Pest Management Extension Guide 3; series editors: A. Cudjoe and M. Braun; Ministry of Food and Agriculture, GTZ and CTA.
Youdeowei, A. 2002 Integrated pest management practices for the production of cereals and pulses. Integrated Pest Management Extension Guide 2; Series editors: A. Cudjoe and M. Braun; Ministry of Food and Agriculture, GTZ and CTA.
Mason, P. Huber, J. Editors. 2002 Biological control programmes in Canada, 1981- 2000. CABI Publishing. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
Beattie, A. et.al. 2002 Evaluation of rapeseed- based plant oils for control of citrus leafminer and their phytotoxicity to lemon. In: Spray Oils Beyond 2000. University of Western Sydney.
The University of Maine. 2002 Cabbage maggots. http://pmo.umext.maine.edu/factsht/Cbgmag.htm
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. 2002 Organic coffee. cocoa, and tea. 1st Edition, Druckzentrum Schutz AG, Zurich.
UC. 2002 Grape cutworm. UC ANR Publication. UC IPM pest management guidelines 3448. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r302300511.html

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