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We have 219 titles under your selected category "Insect pests"!
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Cranshaw, W.; Al- Dogahiri. 2004 Flea beetles. Colorado State University Cooperative Extension. CSU.
Cranshaw, W. 2002 Hornworms and Colorado State Cooperative Extension. http://www.ext.colostate.edu/PUBS/INSECT/05517.html.
Cranshaw, W. 2002 Soaps used as insecticides. http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/4DMG/PHC/soaps.htm
Cranham J.; Danthanarayana, W. 1971 Tea tortrix, (Homona coffearia). Advisory Pamphlet, Tea Research Institute of Ceylon. Ceylon. No. 5/66; p. 8.
CODA. 2002 Steps to successful cotton production in the Philippines. Cotton Development Administration, Quezon City, Philippines.
CIKS. 1997 Plants in pest control: Tobacco, papaya, thumbai. Center for Indian Knowledge Systems.
CIKS. 2003 Useful tips for organic cotton cultivation. Center for Indian Knowledge Systems. Chennai, India.
CIKS. 2000 Bollworm control in cotton. Center for Indian Knowledge Systems. Chennai, India. Pesticide Post. Vol. 8, No 6.
CIIFAD. 1995 Croci or Cabbagehead caterpillar. Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development. http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/hortcrops/english/croci.html
Chaput, J.; Uyenaka- Cargill, J. 1998 Tarnished plant bug damage on vegetable crops in Ontario. Ministry of Agriculture and food. Ontario. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAF/english/crops/facts/98- 025.htm

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