We have 219 titles under your selected category "Insect pests"!
Author: |
Year: |
Title: |
Content: |
Agroecology Research Group. |
2000 |
Corn- Bean- Squash Intercrop in Mexico. |
http://www.agroecology.org/cases/cornbeansquash.htm |
Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. |
1995 |
Prairie grain wireworm. |
http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/pests/insects/62010200.html |
Bailey, S. |
2000 |
Ladybugs. |
Extension Specialist, University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture. |
Baker, P. |
1997 |
Coffee berry borer. |
Monthly feature: Pest.cabweb. CAB International. Wallingford, UK. http://pest.cabweb.org/. |
Baker, P.; Barrera, J.; Rivas, A. |
1992 |
Life- history studies of the coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei, Scolytidae) on coffee trees in southern Mexico. |
Journal of Applied Ecology, Vol. 29: pp. 656- 662. |
Barrion, AT.; et al. |
1991 |
The rice Cnaphalocrocis and Marasmia (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) leaffolder complex in the Philippines: taxonomy, bionomics, and control. |
Philipp. Entomol. Vol. 8, No. 4. |
Basta, A.; Spooner- Hart, R. |
2003 |
Efficacy of an extract of Dorrigo pepper (Tasmannia stipitata ) against two- spotted mite and greenhouse thrips. |
Spray Oils Beyond 2000: Sustainable Pest and Disease Management. eds: G.A.C. Beattie and D.M. Watson. ACIAR.Canberra. |
Bauernfeind, R.; Nechols, J. |
2001 |
Squash bugs and squash vine borers. |
Home and Horticultural Pests, Kansas State University |
Beattie, A. et.al. |
2002 |
Evaluation of rapeseed- based plant oils for control of citrus leafminer and their phytotoxicity to lemon. |
In: Spray Oils Beyond 2000. University of Western Sydney. |
Beniwal, S.; Baya'a, B.; Weigand, S.; Makkouk, K.; Saxena, M. |
No da |
Field guide to lentil diseases and insect pests. |
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). http://www.icarda.cgiar.org/Publications/Field_Guides/Lentil/Lentil.Html |