We have 74 titles under your selected category "Crops"!
Author: |
Year: |
Title: |
Content: |
Agroecology Research Group. |
2000 |
Corn- Bean- Squash Intercrop in Mexico. |
http://www.agroecology.org/cases/cornbeansquash.htm |
Amalin, D.; Vasquez. E. |
1993 |
A handbook on Philippine sweetpotato pests and their natural enemies. |
International Potato Center (CIP). Los BaƱos, Laguna, Philipppines. |
Ashri, A. |
1989 |
Sesame. |
Oil Crops of the World. Robbelen, G.; Downey, R.K.; and A. Ashri (eds.). McGraw- Hill Publishing Company: New York. pp. 375?387. |
Basta, A.; Spooner- Hart, R. |
2003 |
Efficacy of an extract of Dorrigo pepper (Tasmannia stipitata ) against two- spotted mite and greenhouse thrips. |
Spray Oils Beyond 2000: Sustainable Pest and Disease Management. eds: G.A.C. Beattie and D.M. Watson. ACIAR.Canberra. |
Beattie, A. et.al. |
2002 |
Evaluation of rapeseed- based plant oils for control of citrus leafminer and their phytotoxicity to lemon. |
In: Spray Oils Beyond 2000. University of Western Sydney. |
Bedigian, D. |
2004 |
History and lore of sesame in Southwest Asia. |
Economic Botany 58 (3): pp. 329?353. |
Bhatti, I.H,; Ahmad, R.: and Nazir M. S. |
2005 |
Agronomic traits of sesame as affected by grain legumes intercropping and planting patterns. |
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 42: pp. 56?60. |
Bodnar, J. |
1997 |
Garlic Production. |
Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Ontario. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAF/english/crops/facts/97- 007.htm
Braun, M. |
1997 |
IPM Training Manual. |
Tanzanian- German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyaga, Tanzania. |
Brooklyn Botanic Garden. |
1999 |
Natural insect control: The ecological gardener's guide to foiling pests. |
Handbook # 139. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Inc. Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. |