We have 101 titles under your selected category "Unknown"!
Author: |
Year: |
Title: |
Content: |
Agroecology Research Group. |
2000 |
Corn- Bean- Squash Intercrop in Mexico. |
http://www.agroecology.org/cases/cornbeansquash.htm |
Askew, M. |
undat |
Potato. |
MAFF. Agricultural Development and Advisory Service. Wolverhampton, UK. http://www.fertilizer.org/ifa/publicat/html/pubman/potato.pdf |
2003 |
Molecular tools lead to fast relief for tomato farmers in India. |
Centerpoint, AVRDC. |
2003 |
AVRDC strikes gold with vitamin- rich tomato. |
Centerpoint. Vol. 21, No.1. |
Barona, L. |
2003 |
Bacteria in weed as biofertilizer for cotton. |
BAR Today. Department of Agriculture. Manila, Philippines. Vol. 5 No.2. |
Beattie, A. |
1990 |
Citrus petroleum spray oils. |
Agfact H2. AE.5., Department of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Agriculture. New South Wales, Australia. |
Bodnar, J. |
1997 |
Garlic Production. |
Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Ontario. http://www.gov.on.ca/OMAF/english/crops/facts/97- 007.htm
Boyhan, G.; Granberry, D.; Kelly, T. |
2001 |
Onion Production Guide. |
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia.
Braun, M. |
1997 |
IPM Training Manual. |
Tanzanian- German IPM Project, GTZ, PPD, Shinyaga, Tanzania. |
Buganic, R.; Lizada, M.; de Ramos, M. |
1993 |
Disease control in the Philippines ‘Carabao’ mango with post- harvest hot water treatment. |
IV International Mango Symposium, Acta Horticulturae 341. ISHS, USA. |