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There are 79 web-links under your selected category "Weeds"!

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TAMU. Goosegrass. http:/ / aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/ plantanswers/ turf/ publications/ weed13.html 
University of Florida. Aquatic, wetland and invasive plant particulars, and photographs. http:/ / aquat1.ifas.ufl.edu/ panrep.html 
Oregon State University. Barnyardgrass. http:/ / mint.ippc.orst.edu/ barngrass.htm 
University of Missouri Extension. Johnsongrass control. http:/ / muextension.missouri.edu/ explore/ agguides/ crops/ g04872.htm 
University of Missouri. Herbicide resistance in weeds. Department of Agronomy. http:/ / muextension.missouri.edu/ xplor/ agguides/ crops/ g04907.htm 
The University of Vermont. Field corn weeds. http:/ / pss.uvm.edu/ pd/ vtnapiapx/ corn/ cornweeds.htm#Crabgrass 
Pennsylvania State University. Jonhsongrass and shattercane control: An integrated approach. http:/ / pubs.cas.psu.edu/ FreePubs/ pdfs/ uc039.pdf 
USDA. Biology and management of horseweed. http:/ / weeds.cropsci.uiuc.edu/ extension/ factsheets/ Horseweed.pdf 
West Virginia University. Jimsonweed poisoning in humans and animals. http:/ / www.caf.wvu.edu/ ~forage/ weedsolu/ jimsonwd.htm 
CDFA. Japanese knotweed. http:/ / www.cdfa.ca.gov/ phpps/ ipc/ weedinfo/ polygonum-knotweeds.htm 

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 to the top        PAN Germany, OISAT; Email oisat@pan-germany.org