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Principles. Crops. Pests. Control methods Library. Links.
key visual: online information service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics

There are 5 web-links under your selected category "Training and extension"!


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FiBL. IFOAM training manual. http:/ / www.fibl.org/ english/ publications/ training-manual/ content.php 
DANIDA. Farmer Field Schools for IPM: Refresh your memory. http:/ / thailand.ipm-info.org/ farmerfieldschools/ 00_contents_ffs.htm 
Oregon State Extension. Integrated pest management guide. http:/ / extension.oregonstate.edu/ catalog/ pdf/ em/ em8898.pdf 
FAO. Manual for training of extension workers and farmers on alternatives to Methyl Bromide for soil fumigation. http:/ / www.unep.fr/ ozonaction/ information/ mmcfiles/ 3547-e.pdf 
CGIAR. Tropical whitefly IPM project. http:/ / www.tropicalwhiteflyipmproject.cgiar.org/ index.jsp 

 to the top        PAN Germany, OISAT; Email oisat@pan-germany.org