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There are 91 web-links under your selected category "Plants with pest controlling properties"!

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The Rainforest Plant Database. Epazote. http:/ / www.rain-tree.com/ epazote.htm 
Cedar Creek. Eupatorium. http:/ / www.cedarcreek.umn.edu/ plants/ album/ eupatorium.html 
FAO. Euphorbia tirucalli in Indigenous multipurpose trees of Tanzania: Uses and economic benefits for people. http:/ / www.fao.org/ docrep/ X5327e/ x5327e12.htm 
US EPA. Extract of Reynoutria sachalinensis (Giant knotweed) (055809) Fact Sheet. http:/ / www.epa.gov/ pesticides/ biopesticides/ ingredients/ factsheets/ factsheet_055809.htm 
NCSU. Finger euphorbia. http:/ / www.ces.ncsu.edu/ depts/ hort/ consumer/ poison/ Euphoti.htm 
FAO. Garlic. http:/ / www.fao.org/ docrep/ x2230e/ x2230e10.htm 
Hiroshima's Photo Lab. Ginger. http:/ / home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/ shoyaku/ photo/ Japan/ Kouchi/ 010513Shoga.jpg 
  Growth inhibitory effect of extracts from Reynoutria sp. plants against Spodoptera littoralis larvae http:/ / www.scielo.org.mx/ scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1405-31952008000500009&lng=en&nrm=iso 
Weed Science. Hairy beggarsticks (Bidens pilosa). http:/ / www.weedscience.org/ Case/ Case.asp?ResistID=381 
Flora of Northern Ireland. Horsetail. http:/ / www.habitas.org.uk/ flora/ species.asp?item=2022 

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