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Principles. Crops. Pests. Control methods Library. Links.
key visual: online information service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics

There are 91 web-links under your selected category "Plants with pest controlling properties"!

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Purdue University. Mamey. http:/ / www.hort.purdue.edu/ newcrop/ morton/ mamey.html 
A Modern Herbal. Malabar nut. http:/ / www.botanical.com/ botanical/ mgmh/ m/ malaba05.html 
Hiroshima's Photo Lab. Makabuhay. http:/ / home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/ shoyaku/ photo/ Phil/ MAKABUHAY.jpg 
Herb. Lemongrass. http:/ / www2q.biglobe.ne.jp/ ~sakai/ lemongrassphoto.html 
Purdue University. Langsat. http:/ / www.hort.purdue.edu/ newcrop/ morton/ langsat.html 
FAO. Lamiaceae. http:/ / www.fao.org/ docrep/ x2230e/ x2230e09.htm 
Wikipedia. Jicama. http:/ / en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Jícama 
CDFA. Japanese knotweed. http:/ / www.cdfa.ca.gov/ phpps/ ipc/ weedinfo/ polygonum-knotweeds.htm 
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Isolation and identification of nicotine from leucas aspera (willd) link. http:/ / www.ijpsonline.com/ article.asp?issn=0250-474X;year=2006;volume=68;issue=1;spage=88;epage=90;aulast=Mangathayaru 
Fourthway. How to make natural pesticide. http:/ / www.fourthway.co.uk/ posters/ pages/ pesticide.html 

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