Organization: |
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Link: |
National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (ATTRA). |
ATTRA promotes self-reliance (especially for low-income people) through wise use of appropriate technology, among others. |
http:/ / |
Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). |
AVRDC is one of the principal international centers for vegetable research and development in the world. Its mission is to reduce poverty and malnutrition in developing countries through improved production and consumption of vegetables. | |
Dr. Lewis and Team. |
Biological control as a component of sustainable agriculture. |
http:/ / lewis/ |
CAB International (CABI). |
CABI generates, disseminates and promotes use of knowledge in the applied biosciences to enhance development, human welfare and the environment. |
http:/ / |
Center for Tropical Agriculture. |
CIAT conducts socially and environmentally research aimed at reducing hunger and poverty and preserving natural resources in developing countires. |
http:/ / Paginas/ index.aspx |
Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems (CIKS). |
CIKS designs programs to understand the diversity of India's rural peoples' knowledge, encourage local experimentation within farmers, and intercultural dialogues on indigenous learning and experimentation in the fields of agriculture, etc. |
http:/ / |
InternationalMaize and Wheat Improvement Center. |
CIMMYT conducts maize and wheat research to benefit developing countries and to increase food security, improve the productivity and profitability of farming systems, and sustain natural resources in developing countries. |
http:/ / |
Community Integrated Pest Managment. |
Community IPM is a source of information about community integrated pest management in Asia. |
http:/ / |
Cornell Cooperative Extension. |
Cornell Cooperative Extension provides online publication on integrated crop and pest management guidelines for commercial vegetable production. |
http:/ / recommends |
Ecological Agriculture. |
Ecological Agriculture is a large collection of links to internet sites in different parts of the world which also maintains other lists for subjects such as developing countries, ecology, appropriate technology, and human rights. |
http:/ / archive/ agriculture.html |