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key visual: online information service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics

There are 48 web-links under your selected category "Natural enemies"!

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University of Illinois. Glucosinolates in Brassicas: Biological control agents that are good for our health and bad for pests? http:/ / www.entomology.wisc.edu/ mbcn/ weed604.html 
UC Davis. Encarsia formosa. http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ PMG/ NE/ encarsia_formosa.html 
  Dwarf spiders. http:/ / www.cbit.uq.edu.au/ software/ riceipm/ keys/ Html/ Atypena.htm 
Newman, R. Damselflies. http:/ / www.bcadventure.com/ adventure/ angling/ bugs/ damselfly/ damselfly.phtml 
IPM Images. Damsel bugs. http:/ / www.insectimages.org/ browse/ subimages.cfm?SUB=2643 
University of Wisconsin - Madison. Damsel bugs. http:/ / www.entomology.wisc.edu/ mbcn/ kyf402.html 
  Cotton: The cotton pest and beneficial guide. http:/ / www.cottoncrc.org.au/ content/ Industry/ Publications/ PestsandBeneficials/ CottonInsectPestandBeneficialGuide.aspx 
IPM Images. Cotesia. http:/ / www.insectimages.org/ browse/ subimages.cfm?SUB=6975 
The University of Georgia. Cotesia. http:/ / www.gaipm.org/ cotton/ newsletter/ 2002news3.html 
University of Kentucky. Cotesia species of economic importance. http:/ / www.uky.edu/ ~mjshar0/ genera/ Cotesia/ cotesia.html 

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