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key visual: online information service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics

There are 48 web-links under your selected category "Natural enemies"!

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The University of Arizona. Ladybird beetle rearing. http:/ / insected.arizona.edu/ ladyrear.htm 
Rutgers University. Biopesticides. The State University of New Jersey. http:/ / ir4.rutgers.edu/ biopesticides.html 
Ohio State University. Tiphia wasp. http:/ / www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/ biocontrol/ wasp.htm 
Ohio State University. Sustainable suppression of Japanese beetle populations. http:/ / www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/ biocontrol/ j_beetle.htm 
Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet. Praying mantis. http:/ / ohioline.osu.edu/ hyg-fact/ 2000/ pdf/ 2154.pdf 
Newman, R. Damselflies. http:/ / www.bcadventure.com/ adventure/ angling/ bugs/ damselfly/ damselfly.phtml 
New Agriculturist Online. Weaver Ants - Traditional pest management method under threat. http:/ / www.new-ag.info/ 03-2/ develop/ dev02.html 
NADS. The Tachinidae Resources. http:/ / www.nadsdiptera.org/ Tach/ Ohara/ Oharahome.htm 
Mahr, S. Trichopodes pennipes, parasitoid of true bugs. http:/ / www.entomology.wisc.edu/ mbcn/ kyf605.html 
Lubilosa Project. Biological control of grasshoppers and locusts. http:/ / www.lubilosa.org/ main.htm 

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