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Principles. Crops. Pests. Control methods Library. Links.
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University of Connecticut. Preventing diseases of vegetables with hot water seed treatment. http:/ / www.hort.uconn.edu/ ipm/ homegrnd/ htms/ 54sedtrt.htm 
University of Florida. Citrus canker homepage. http:/ / www.doacs.state.fl.us/ pi/ canker/  
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Cucumber mosaic virus. http:/ / www.extento.hawaii.edu/ kbase/ crop/ Type/ cucvir.htm 
University of Hawaii at Manoa. Botrytis primer. Department of Plant Pathology, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. http:/ / www.extento.hawaii.edu/ kbase/ Crop/ Type/ bot_prim.htm 
University of Illinois Extension. Gray mold rot or botrytis blight of vegetables. http:/ / web.aces.uiuc.edu/ vista/ pdf_pubs/ 942.pdf 
University of Kentucky. Corn stalk rots. http:/ / www.ca.uky.edu/ agc/ pubs/ ppa/ ppa26/ ppa26.htm 
University of Kentucky. Anthracnose: Kentucky IPM. http:/ / www.uky.edu/ Agriculture/ IPM/ scoutinfo/ corn/ disease/ anthrac/ anthracn.htm 
University of Kentucky. Diseases of grain sorghum. http:/ / www.ca.uky.edu/ agc/ pubs/ ppa/ ppa29/ ppa29.htm 
University of Minnesota Extension. Early blight of potato and tomato. http:/ / www.extension.umn.edu/ projects/ yardandgarden/ ygbriefs/ p256earlyblight-pot-tom.html 
University of Minnesota. Tomato- tobacco mosaic virus. http:/ / www.extension.umn.edu/ distribution/ horticulture/ DG1168.html 

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