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Principles. Crops. Pests. Control methods Library. Links.
key visual: online information service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics

There are 64 web-links under your selected category "Diseases"!

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UC IPM Online. Onion and garlic downy mildew. http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ PMG/ r584100111.html 
UC IPM Online. Cole crops downy mildew. http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ PMG/ r108100311.html 
UC Davis. Tomato anthracnose. http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ PMG/ r783100811.html 
UC Davis. Bordeaux mixture. http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ PDF/ PESTNOTES/ pnbordeauxmixture.pdf 
The Ohio State University. Common corn rust. http:/ / ohioline.osu.edu/ ac-fact/ 0031.html 
The Ohio State University. Anthracnose, leaf blight, and stalk rot of corn. http:/ / ohioline.osu.edu/ ac-fact/ 0022.html 
The Ohio State University. Powdery mildew on summer squash. http:/ / www.ag.ohio-state.edu/ ~vegnet/ problem/ pb71801.htm 
The Ohio State University Extension. Mosaic virus diseases of vine crops. http:/ / ohioline.osu.edu/ hyg-fact/ 3000/ pdf/ 3109.pdf 
Rowe, R.; Miller, S.; Riedel, R. Late blight on potato and tomato. Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet. http:/ / ohioline.osu.edu/ hyg-fact/ 3000/ 3102.html 
Rice Knowledge Bank. Rice Doctor. Rice blast. http:/ / www.knowledgebank.irri.org/ RiceDoctor/ index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=562&Itemid=2767 

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