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Organization: | Description: | Link: |
Wikipedia. | Sesame. | http:/ / en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Sesame |
UW. | Soybean plant health topics. | http:/ / www.plantpath.wisc.edu/ soyhealth/ bulletin.htm |
University of Wisconsin Extension. | Sesame. | http:/ / www.hort.purdue.edu/ newcrop/ afcm/ sesame.html |
University of Puerto Rico. | Crop profile for coffee. | http:/ / www.ipmcenters.org/ cropprofiles/ docs/ PRcoffee.html |
University of Illinois Extension. | Tomato. | http:/ / www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/ veggies/ tomato1.html |
University of Illinois Extension. | Carrot. | http:/ / www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/ veggies/ carrot1.html |
University of Hawaii. | Banana. | http:/ / www.extento.hawaii.edu/ kbase/ crop/ crops/ i_banana.htm |
University of Hawaii. | Mango. | http:/ / www.extento.hawaii.edu/ kbase/ crop/ crops/ i_mango.htm |
University of Florida. | Conservation tillage peanut production. | http:/ / edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ pdffiles/ AG/ AG18700.pdf |
UC IPM. | Carrots. | http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ PDF/ PMG/ pmgcarrot.pdf |
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