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Principles. Crops. Pests. Control methods Library. Links.
key visual: online information service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics

There are 108 web-links under your selected category "Crops"!

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New Mexico State University. Garlic production in New Mexico. http:/ / aces.nmsu.edu/ pubs/ _h/ h-234.html 
Texas Cooperative Extension Service. Home fruit production- Mango. http:/ / aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/ extension/ homefruit/ mango/ mango.html 
AVRDC. Crop production guides. http:/ / avrdc.org/ ?page_id=2315 
EDIS. Tea growing. http:/ / edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ hs308 
University of Florida. Conservation tillage peanut production. http:/ / edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ pdffiles/ AG/ AG18700.pdf 
Wikipedia. Sesame. http:/ / en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/ Sesame 
Central Tuber Crops Research Institute. Cassava agroforestry systems. http:/ / fadr.msu.ru/ rodale/ agsieve/ txt/ vol2/ 7/ art2.html 
AVRDC. Suggested cultural practices for onion. http:/ / libnts.avrdc.org.tw/ web_crops/ allium/ culti_practices.pdf 
AVRDC. Suggested cultural practices for bitter gourd. http:/ / libnts.avrdc.org.tw/ web_crops/ cucurbits/ bittergourd.pdf 
AVRDC. Suggested cultural practices for eggplant. http:/ / libnts.avrdc.org.tw/ web_crops/ eggplant/ culti_practices.pdf 

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