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Organization: | Description: | Link: |
UC IPM. | Carrots. | http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ PDF/ PMG/ pmgcarrot.pdf |
Purdue University. | Carrots. | http:/ / www.hort.purdue.edu/ rhodcv/ hort410/ carrot/ carrot.htm |
New Agriculturist On-line. | Cassava pests: from crisis to control. | http:/ / www.new-agri.co.uk/ 98-6/ focuson/ focuson9.html |
UC IPM. | Citrus. | http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ PDF/ PMG/ pmgcitrus.pdf |
Department of Agriculture, Prince Edward Island Canada. | Cole crops production guide. | http:/ / www.gov.pe.ca/ agriculture/ index.php3?number=69765&lang=E |
UC IPM. | Cole crops. | http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ PDF/ PMG/ pmgcolecrops.pdf |
Purdue University. | Cole crops. | http:/ / www.hort.purdue.edu/ rhodcv/ hort410/ cole/ cole.htm |
UC IPM. | Corn. | http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ PDF/ PMG/ pmgcorn.pdf |
Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, Ontario. | Corn. | http:/ / www.omafra.gov.on.ca/ english/ crops/ field/ corn.html |
UC IPM. | Cotton. | http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/ PDF/ PMG/ pmgcotton.pdf |
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