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key visual: online information service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics

We have 8 titles under your selected category "Policy"!

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Brock, A. 2003 General pesticide analysis. download 18 kb nothing 
Community IPM 2001 Facilitating Scientific Method- as follow- up for FFS graduates. download 230 kb nothing 
Koehler, P.; Belmont, R. 1998 What are pesticides? download 15 kb nothing 
Pottorff, L. 2003 Some pesticides permitted in organic gardening. download 18 kb nothing 
SACDEP. 2001 Summarized report of the international consultative and planning workshop on effect and efficacy and side effects of the botanical pesticides/repellents. download 181 kb nothing 
Tuyen, N. 1994 Women farmers and IPM farmer field schools in Vietnam. download 38 kb nothing 
University of Nebraska- Lincoln 1996 Principles of pest control. download 140 kb nothing 
Williamson, A. 2003 Pesticide provision in liberalized Africa. Out of control? download 109 kb nothing 

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