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We have 5 titles under your selected category "Nematodes"!

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Dufour, R.; Guerena, M.; Earles, R. 2003 Alternative nematode control. download 349 kb nothing 
Hagan, A.; Gazaway, W. ; Sikora, E. 1994 Nematode supressive crops. download 1 kb nothing 
J. Bridge. 2005 Non- chemical management of nematode pests in tropical farming systems: Theory or practice? download 52 kb nothing 
Sipes, B.; Schmitt, D. 2003 Rootknot nematode control with cover crops. download 13 kb nothing 
University of California. 2000 Root- knot nematodes: Biocontrol with french marigold. download 17 kb nothing 

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