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We have 28 titles under your selected category "Curative control methods"!
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IPM of Alaska. 2003 Insecticidal soaps. download 36 kb nothing 
Pundt, L. 2003 Insecticidal soaps. download 26 kb nothing 
Barrett, B. 2001 Least- toxic control methods to manage indoor plant pests. download 41 kb nothing 
HDRA. 2000 Maize stalk borer. download 24 kb nothing 
HDRA. 2000 Mexican marigold. download 14 kb nothing 
Katembwe, M. 2004 Natural control of pests and diseases. download 0 kb nothing 
IFOAM 2003 Natural pesticides. download 125 kb nothing 
Klass, C. 1993 Nature's botanical insecticide arsenal. download 27 kb nothing 
The Green Lane, Environment Canada. 2003 Non- pesticidal control of insects. download 32 kb nothing 
Natural Pest- Free Gardening 2004 Outsmart the enemy. download 26 kb nothing 

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