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We have 43 titles under your selected category "Traditional pest management"!
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Kuepper, G.; Dodson, M. 2001 Traditional companion planting. Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas. ATTRA. http://attra.ncat.org/attra- pub/complant.html
FAO. 2001 Developing farming systems and best practices for drought prone areas. http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/AC120E/AC120e15.htm
IRRI & Queensland University. 2001 Rice IPM. An interactive information and identification system for integrated pest management in rice. University of Queensland and IRRI.
CABI. 2000 Crop protection compendium. Global module, 2nd edition. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.
Rehm, S.; Espig, G. 2000 The cultivated plants of the tropics and the subtropics. Verlag Josef Margraf Scientific Books. Berlin.
Agroecology Research Group. 2000 Corn- Bean- Squash Intercrop in Mexico. http://www.agroecology.org/cases/cornbeansquash.htm
FADINAP. 2000 Integrated plant nutrition systems. Training Manual. FADINAP/ PRUDD/RDS. http://www.fadinap.org/ipns/srilanka/ipnsmanual/toc.htm
CIKS. 2000 Bollworm control in cotton. Center for Indian Knowledge Systems. Chennai, India. Pesticide Post. Vol. 8, No 6.
Traunfeld, J.; Malinoski, M. 2000 IPM Series: Tomatoes. Maryland Cooperative Extension, University of Maryland. Home and Garden Mimeo # HG56.
Stoll, G. 2000 Natural Crop Protection in the Tropics Margraf Verlag. Weikersheim.

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