We have 102 titles under your selected category "Preventive pest management"!
Author: |
Year: |
Title: |
Content: |
Bureau of Plant Industry. |
1994 |
Trichogramma. Manual for farmers training. |
Department of Agriculture. Manila, Philippines. |
2001 |
Crop protection compendium. |
Global module, 3rd edition. CAB International Publishing. Wallingford, UK. |
2000 |
Crop protection compendium. |
Global module, 2nd edition. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK. |
2004 |
Crop protection compendium. |
2004 Edition. CAB International Publishing. Wallingford, UK. |
Cabweb. |
1997 |
Food for beneficials. Biocontrol news and information |
http://pest.cabweb.org/Journals/BNI/BNI18- 2/BIORAT1.HTM |
1997 |
Centers declare victory over the cassava green mite. |
CGIAR Newsletter. Vol. 4, No. 4. |
1997 |
Plants in pest control: Tobacco, papaya, thumbai. |
Center for Indian Knowledge Systems. |
2000 |
Bollworm control in cotton. |
Center for Indian Knowledge Systems. Chennai, India. Pesticide Post. Vol. 8, No 6. |
2002 |
Steps to successful cotton production in the Philippines. |
Cotton Development Administration, Quezon City, Philippines. |
Cranshaw, W. |
2002 |
Soaps used as insecticides. |
http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/4DMG/PHC/soaps.htm |