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HDRA. 2002 Cutworms, Family Noctuidae http://www.hdra.org.uk/cgi- bin/countlink.cgi?www.hdra.org.uk/pdfs/international_programme/TPC12- Cutworm.pdf
ICIPE. 2003 Development of environmentally friendly management methods for red spider mites in smallholder tomato production systems... 2000 - 2003 ICIPE Scientific Report. CD Rom. International Center for Insect Physiology and Entomology, Nairobi, Kenya.
ICIPE. 2003 Development of biocontrol- based management of Helicoverpa armigera in eastern and southern Africa. 2000- 2003 ICIPE Scientific Report. International Center for Insect Physiology and Entomology, Nairobi, Kenya.
CABI. 2004 Crop protection compendium. 2004 Edition. CAB International Publishing. Wallingford, UK.
Samson, JA. 1989 Tropical fruits. 2nd edition. Longman Singapore Publishers. Singapore.
Endersby, N.; Ridland, P. 1999 Time to start monitoring for diamondback moth in Asian Brassica vegetables. Access to Asian Vegetables, Issue No. 23 (English Edition), Institute for Horticultural Development – Knoxfield.
Endersby, N.; Ridland, P. 1999 Time to start monitoring for diamondback moth in Asian Brassica vegetables. Access to Asian Vegetables, Issue No. 23.
Muehleisen, D.; Bary, A.; Crogger, C.; Miles, C.; Johnson, A.; Ostrom, M.; Carkner, T. 2003 Managing carrot rust fly. Agrichemical and Environmental News. Issue No.23.
Johnson, A.; Ives, C. 2001 Biotechnology inventory of ASARECA priority crops. Agriculture Biotechnology support Project, Michigan State University, USA.
Ghosh, S.P.; et al. 1989 Productivity, soil fertility and soil erosion under cassava based agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems. Vol. 8,

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