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Principles. Crops. Pests. Control methods Library. Links.
key visual: online information service for Non-chemical Pest Management in the Tropics

There are 39 web-links under your selected category "Partners and relevant institutions"!

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University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension (UNL). UNL Extension is committed to helping you know more about maintaining a healthy home, creating sustainable rural or urban landscape, protecting and managing water resources, properly managing insect and wildlife pests, and more. http:/ / www.extension.unl.edu/ home-lawn 
University of Kentucky IPM. Picture sheets have been developed to help identify insects, weeds, or diseases in fields or orchards. http:/ / www.uky.edu/ Ag/ IPM/ picturesheets/ picturesheets.htm 
University of Kentucky Entomology. Provides help for pest problems, answers to questions about insects and their relatives, or interesting ways to attract beneficial and beautiful members of the insect world! http:/ / www.uky.edu/ Agriculture/ Entomology/ entfacts/ entfacts.htm 
University of Florida IFAS Extension. EDIS is the Electronic Data Information Source of UF/IFAS Extension, a collection of information on topics on agriculture and others. http:/ / schoolipm.ifas.ufl.edu/ garden.html 
University of California (UC IPM). Promotes integrated pest management program among others. http:/ / www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/  
The Ohio Agricultural Research And Development Center, Ohio State University. The Ohio Agricultural Research And Development Center promotes the enhancement of the well-being of the people of Ohio, the nation and world through research on foods, agriculture, family and the environment. http:/ / ohioline.osu.edu/ index.html 
The New Agriculturalist. The New Agriculturalist is an online monthly magazine that examines global developments in agriculture. http:/ / www.new-agri.co.uk/  
Purdue University Department of Entomology Extension. Provides information on crop biology and its production and pest identification and control, among others. http:/ / extension.entm.purdue.edu/  
Pest Management at the Crossroads. Information and links on pest control issues, integrated pest management, impacts of pesticides, and related topics. http:/ / www.pmac.net/  
Pest and Disease Image Library (PaDIL). Offers high-quality colour diagnostic images and information on pests and diseases along with a number of comparative native species. Provides detailed diagnostic information to assist with the rapid identification of exotic plant pests and diseases in th http:/ / www.padil.gov.au/  

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