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Organization: | Description: | Link: |
Purdue University. | Sweet potatoes. | http:/ / www.hort.purdue.edu/ rhodcv/ hort410/ sweetp/ sweetp.htm |
EDIS. | Tea growing. | http:/ / edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ hs308 |
Food info net. | Tea production. | http:/ / www.food-info.net/ uk/ products/ tea/ production.htm |
Bessin, R. | Tomato IPM guidelines. | http:/ / www.uky.edu/ Agriculture/ Entomology/ entfacts/ veg/ ef313.htm |
Department of Agriculture, Prince Edward Island Canada. | Tomato production guide. | http:/ / www.gov.pe.ca/ agriculture/ index.php3?number=69769&lang=E |
Lerner, R. Purdue University. | Tomato. | http:/ / www.hort.purdue.edu/ ext/ senior/ vegetabl/ tomato1.htm |
University of Illinois Extension. | Tomato. | http:/ / www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/ veggies/ tomato1.html |
Purdue University. | Tomatoes. | http:/ / www.hort.purdue.edu/ rhodcv/ hort410/ tomat/ tomat.htm |
Purdue University. | Yam bean. | http:/ / www.hort.purdue.edu/ newcrop/ nexus/ Pachyrhizus_erosus_nex.html |
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